We love stickers, and we understand the need to put them on everything and we get a lot of requests for free stickers. First off, we would Love to be able to hand out stickers to everyone who wants them, and we do – but sadly only when we’re at events, if you meet us on or off the bikes and of course with every order from our online store (as long as we have them in stock) but sadly that leaves out some people and we don’t like that.
Being that we truly have a WORLDWIDE FAMILY with fans in over 30 countries it would simply cost to damn much to send out free stickers to every place on the map so what we thought off is the following:
1. Free stickers OUTSIDE of SWEDEN: (yeah, we’re based there)
Go to your post office (yes, they still exist) and ask for a CRI (international reply coupon). Depending on where you live and such it might take more than one, but either way make SURE that the postage COVERS a letter back to you with a couple of stickers in it. After that, put it on an envelope with your name and adress – put THAT envelope in another envelope and write OUR adress on it.
Ride All Day AB / Pimpstarlife
Östra Eriksbergsgatan 14B
417 63 Gothenburg
Send us the envelope, containing YOUR return-envelope inside and with the CRI stamp and we will send you a couple of stickers in return. We wish we could do more but that is really the best we can offer right now for “free” stickers.
2. Gratis stickers INOM SVERIGE:
Skicka oss ett kuvert med ditt namn och adress för-frankerat (1-2 frimärken täcker det mesta) och skicka till oss på adressen nedan så skickar vi tillbaks ditt kuvert (som du lagt inuti det du skickade till oss) med ett par stickers. Alternativt så skickar vi givetvis med gratis stickers vid orders och när vi har med oss ut på event, träffar mm.
Ride All Day AB / Pimpstarlife
Östra Eriksbergsgatan 14B
417 63 Gothenburg
Some special notes: YOU are responsible that the envelope gets here and is stamped with sufficient funds. We know it’s harsh but really not that unfair we think. We will send a random selection of stickers, typically 3-4 stickers and we will try to mix ’em up as good as we can. They stickers are durable little bastards but if you want stickers that are extra durable, we recommend checking out our stickers for sale instead as these are even more weatherproofed (but not free sadly).
Also, make SURE the envelope inside the envelope you send to us has sufficient stamps – otherwise we can’t send it back!