[toggler title=”What is Pimpstar”] Pimpstar is a clothing brand founded in 2010 by two friends who did the classic thing – got together one cold night, dreamt about warm weather, riding bikes and having fun. It just so happend that they also liked sweet clothes, gear and everything that could get your blood going. The name itself is our way of saying -Don’t take everything too serious or you’ll miss out on all the fun stuff in life. [/toggler]

[toggler title=”Are you a motorcycle club?”] NO. Never been, never will. Pimpstar/Pimpstarlife is a registered clothing and apparel brand in the actionsport/streetwear lifestyle genre. Enjoy![/toggler]

[toggler title=”Can I join you guys?”] If by joining you’re asking if we are a group, organisation or club then no. We’re not. On the other hand – anyone can “join” our way of life and rep the brand. It’s quite easy to connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube and whatnot. “Join the family” doesn’t mean you have to ride a bike, be a pro rider or pick something up from the store. It’s just  way to connect with like minded people all over the world who enjoy the same crazy things. [/toggler]

[toggler title=”How do I join the Family?”] Hook us up on numerous ways: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube or the Store for some nice gear. In the end it’s all in the mind (and heart).[/toggler]

[toggler title=”Where can I buy your clothes and apparel?”] You can pick up your favorite Pimpstarlife merch from our online store or from one of our retailers.[/toggler]

[toggler title=”Are you really based in Sweden”] Yes, and yes, summer is short, all girls are blonds and we have to avoid hitting loose moose on the streets! (just joking, but yeah we’re based in Gothenburg, Sweden) [/toggler]

[toggler title=”Swedish bikini team?”] They actually exist! It started as a fake bikini team in 1988 as a beer commercial in America but somehow survived, thrived and is now a registered brand touring the world. We sadly don’t have anything to do with them or know them but we wish we did. [/toggler]

[toggler title=”Do you have a sponsorship?”] We’re thrilled and honored to get as many requests and e-mails about sponsoring and although we wish we could help out every rider out there we can’t. If you got something really special you’re just dying to show us do feel free to send us an e-mail and we’ll gladly check it out.[/toggler]

[toggler title=”Can you send me free stickers?”] Stickers are fun, makes stuff look prettier and most of all can be bought in our online store for cheap! Sadly we can’t send out stickers for free although we’re thankful you want to rep us. We try to hand out stickers at events and rides so the next time you’re in Sweden, hook us up![/toggler]

[toggler title=”Online store FAQ”] Please check out our separate FAQ in our online store.[/toggler]