Pimpstar was founded back in 2010 by two longtime friends who loved to ride. As the story usually goes reality set in and after a short time they separated ways, one of them way to stupid to stop doing what they had started. By the split of the second and third year Pimpstar really started growing and in a cute pursuit of evolving into a “real” clothing company (fancy cut and sew and stuff) the stupid guy decided to bet everything he had on it.
That was sooo smart.
Basically the last 3 years have been a constant struggle, production problems, factories lying, size charts being wrong and quality not nearly matching the pursuit we have in mind. It’s been f*cking harsh.
It’s hard to balance dreams with reality. Where do we as a brand aim in terms of ambition, quality, trends? Cool new products? I spent 2 years developing a kickass kevlar lineup in both hoodies, jackets and supermoto pants(!) only to be fucked by a lying factory who took the money and ran.
On the first big cut and sew order it turned out that all the sizes were too small. Awesome.
There are numerous other examples of just hard-learning, struggling and eating shit all day long. But this text is not about complaining or nagging about what one deserves or not – I believe you aint entitled to shit really. You have to never give up basically and then maybe you get something nice on the other side of the tunnel and light (and hopefully it’s not a train coming at you).
So – it’s time to stop worrying about all the problems out there and we’re taking back a little bit of control with a weird move!
We’re after all, celebrating 7 damn years alive and we’re doing it against all the rules and regulations out there!
We are relaunching ourFAVORITE pieces from our past collections – We’re going back to where it all started and we hooked up with our original print house, we sourced back our original garments (sizes fit and zippers don’t f*cking break yay!)
Pre-ORDER timeframe and exclusive prices goes on until MARCH 6th and ships at the end of March. Pretty sweet!
Best regards
Tobie Miller / Frost
(Don’t call it a comeback, we’ve been here for years. – LL Cool J)